by Zachary Oakes

Filing a social security disability claim is complicated, especially if you do not have legal assistance. You must ensure that you file all the required paperwork, fill all the forms accurately and submit them on time. According to the social security administration reports, an average of 50% of social security disability claims are denied every year.

Why is that? Many social security disability claims denials and delays arise from people’s mistakes in the filing process. Let’s look at some of the costly mistakes that can ruin your social security disability claim.

Waiting for too long to apply for the SSD benefits

A mistake commonly made by social security disability (SSD) claimants is waiting for too long before filing the claim upon realizing that they cannot work. Admitting that you can no longer work is never easy, but failing to take timely action doesn’t help the situation either. Even if you do not have all the medical records, the SSD administration recommends filing the claim as soon as you become disabled failure to which you can lose the right to seek retroactive benefits. Remember that the claim may take several months to be processed.

Submitting incomplete or faulty medical records

For you to qualify for (SSD) benefits, your medical records must show that you have a condition that meets what the SSD defines as a disability. In simple words, your medical history must demonstrate that your condition has lasted, is expected to last at least one year, or even end in death. It must also prove that the condition prevents you from doing the work you previously did to earn an income or any other kind of work. It is best to work with a professional doctor and your attorney to develop a medical report that shows your eligibility for the SSD benefits.

Submitting incomplete employment records

The SSD demands that you meet at least two earning tests to be eligible for disability benefits. One is the recent work test based on the time you became disabled, and the second is a duration of work test to indicate you worked enough under social security. For example, if you became disabled at 28years, you need one and a half years of work to meet the work test requirements. You must also provide employment documents like paystubs and proof of workers’ compensation. If you don’t give enough details in your employment history, you may not qualify for the benefits.

Waiting for too long to appeal the denial of a claim

Another mistake is waiting for too long to appeal for the denial of an SSD claim. Keep in mind that when your SSD claim is denied, you have 60days to appeal for reconsideration, and if denied again, you can pursue further levels of appeal.

Filing the claim without legal assistance

Although some people can obtain SSD benefits independently, it can be a complicated process. An attorney has all the training and experience to handle these claims and ensure everything is in order before filing the claim to avoid denial. You don’t necessarily need one, but legal assistance helps you comply with all SSD regulations.

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